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    Family Health Product

    Chlorine Dioxide

    We must preface this article with the statement that none of our products are registered with the E.P.A. Therefore we cannot claim that any of our products kill, disinfect or sanitize in any way. Our CD Kits are sold as surface treatments, to clean, deodorize, and promote a healthier environment. This article is for informational and educational use. I will add to it as I have time, and would welcome any uses you may have that are not listed here.

    Chlorine dioxide is a compound consisting of one chlorine atom and two oxygen atoms. Chlorine dioxide has a reddish to yellowish-green color at room temperature and dissolves in water. It is usually produced onsite from sodium chlorate or sodium chlorite.

    Uses and benefits of chlorine dioxide

    Water purification solution

    Chlorine dioxide is the disinfectant that is preferred as a water purification solution. It helps to destroy various microorganisms in water like viruses, fungi, and many parasites like cryptosporidium parvum and Guardia lamblia. The use of chlorine dioxide as a water purification solution is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which recommends a maximum concentration of not greater than 0.8 parts per million.

    Chlorine dioxide also helps remove bad odors and unpleasant tastes from drinking water by killing algae and bacteria.

    Use in personal hygiene products

    Chlorine hydroxide plays a vital role in the manufacture of personal hygiene products like mouthwashes, dentistry products like biocide compounds used to treat bad breath.

    Industrial  uses

    Chlorine dioxide is used in a variety of oil, gas, and food industries. In the food industry, chlorine dioxide is used to treat water used in poultry processing and washing fruits and vegetables.

    In the paper industry, chlorine dioxide is used for processing wood pulp for paper manufacturing. It is used in combination with chlorine to bleach paper. For bleaching, chlorine dioxide should be used at a moderately acidic ph to minimize the production of organochlorine compounds.

    Medical applications

    In health facilities and other health-related institutions, chlorine dioxide gas is used to sterilize medical and lab equipment, surfaces, rooms, and tools. Research has demonstrated that appropriate concentrations of chlorine hydroxide are safe and effective in eliminating legionella bacteria from hospital environments. However, chlorine dioxide cannot cure any medical ailments, including autism, influenza, common cold, and hepatitis. It is advertised as a “ miracle mineral solution.” Its advertisers falsely claim that it can cure some of these ailments; for this reason, the Food And Drug Administration advises the public against consuming MMS.

    Use during public crises

    As a disinfectant and oxidizer, chlorine dioxide is used in air disinfection, and it was the principal-agent used for decontamination of buildings in the U.S. following the 2001 anthrax attacks. After the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the surrounding Gulf Coast, chlorine dioxide was used to eradicate harmful molds from houses.

    Other disinfection uses

    • Chlorine dioxide can be used for disinfection of endoscopes, such as under the trade name tristel
    • It is helpful in the eradication of bedbugs
    • It can be used for the disinfection of poultry by immersing or spraying them after slaughtering
    • Chlorine chloride can be used to disinfection fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries that develop yeasts and molds.

    Safety information

    Chlorine dioxide is used as a water purification solution all over the world. According to CDC, chlorine dioxide is added to water to protect the public from harmful bacteria and other disease-causing microorganisms. EPA recognizes its use for treating drinking water. Furthermore, chlorine dioxide is included in WHO guidelines for drinking water quality.

    It is hazardous in its pure form, but people are less likely to inhale air containing dangerous levels of chlorine dioxide since it breaks down to chlorine gas and oxygen. To protect industrial workers, the U.S Occupational and Hazard Administration (OSHA)regulates chlorine dioxide concentration in the workplace. The permissible exposure limit for chlorine dioxide is 0.1 parts per million or 0.3 milligrams per cubic meters.

    What is the difference between chlorine and chlorine dioxide?

    Both chlorine and chlorinated dioxide are oxidizing agents. Chlorine can take two electrons, whereas chlorine dioxide can absorb five electrons; thus, a single mole of chlorine dioxide is 2.6 times more effective than that of chlorine. Chlorine dioxide does not react to many organic compounds; therefore, it does not produce harmful chlorinated compounds.


    Chlorine dioxide has fraudulently been marketed as a cure for various ailments, including autism and covid 19. Ingestion of this compound has been shown to cause life-threatening illnesses when given to children with autism. There is no scientific basis for the claimed health benefits, a reason that has made the FDA constantly warn against the use of Miracle Mineral Solution and CD protocol for the treatment of Hiv, anemias, and cancer.

    The U.S Food and Drug Administration states that ingestion or internal use of chlorine hydroxide other than for rinsing the mouth has no beneficial health effects thus should be avoided.

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